A Year in the Garden


January –

Dormant season clean up.  Prune deciduous trees and shrubs, now is a great time to prune Japanese maples, fruit trees, hydrangeas, roses etc., avoid pruning early blooming plants like forsythia and lilacs until after they are done blooming.  Clean up leaf litter from around fruit trees and roses, and spray with a fungicide mixed with horticultural or neem oil to help control rust, black spot, powdery mildew, and to smother any insects or eggs overwintering on the plants. 

Plant some early season color.  For annual color plant primrose, cyclamen, violas, and English daisies for perennial color plant Hellebores and Bergenia.

Plant bare root fruit trees and berry plant liners.

February –

Do a final dormant spray on fruit trees as buds are beginning to swell. 

Plant candytuft, delphinium and summer bulbs like lilies and dahlia.

Now is our last chance to prune deciduous trees and shrubs.

Divide any perennials that are crowded or have lost vigor.

Plant leafy greens (lettuce, spinach, kale, and chard) and root vegetables (carrots, beets, radishes, and turnips) from seed or starts.

Keep an eye out for snails; treat affected areas with Sluggo as needed.

Put out pre-emergent to prevent warm season weeds from coming up.

March –

New trees, shrubs, and perennials will be filling up the nursery, plant them now so they can get established before the heat of summer.

Clean up and amend planting beds with compost and manure.

After they leaf out check roses for rust, powdery mildew, and black spot if needed spray with a biological fungicide as needed.

Spray fruit trees with a biological fungicide after they leaf out to help prevent scab, fire blight, and leaf curl.

Hang codling moth traps in apples and pears as they begin to bloom.

Check irrigation systems and make any necessary repairs.

Clean up and re-seed lawns as needed.

Begin to feed trees, shrubs and perennials with a slow release organic fertilizer.  Wait to feed citrus and other tropical/subtropical plants until we warm up a little more.  Add an iron supplement to azaleas, gardenias, and rhododendrons that are showing chlorotic (yellowing) leaves.

Plant a last round of leafy greens and root vegetables.

April –

Lots more plants, stock will rotate weekly this time of year, so check us often so you don’t miss out on something special.

After risk of frost begin to plant warm season veggies and annuals.

If you didn’t feed your landscape plants last month do it now, using a time release organic fertilizer.

Deadhead and fertilize daffodils, tulips, and other spring bulbs.

Re-treat roses and fruit trees with a biological fungicide as needed.

Late April is a great time to prune citrus, after pruning feed with a citrus and fruit tree fertilizer and treat with an iron supplement if the leaves are yellowing.

Prune late winter and early spring blooming shrubs as flowers begin to fade.

May –

Warm season annuals and perennials starting to come into stock.

Plant citrus, olives and other warmth loving plants now.

Check and adjust irrigation as temperatures warm, remember to only water in the morning.

Re-apply mulch as needed to keep roots cool and prevent water loss to evaporation

Give landscape plants a second spring feeding if you fertilized in March.

Prune late winter and early spring blooming shrubs as flowers begin to fade.

Fertilize your vegetable plants monthly to keep them growing strong.

Deadhead annuals and perennials to keep them blooming.

June –

Watch for aphids and stink bugs, treat as needed.

Check and adjust irrigation.

Feed vegetables monthly.

Give citrus a second feeding, and check for scale insects.

July –

A lot of the spring bloomers are done flowering, see what is blooming now to keep your yard colorful. Crape myrtles, salvias, and rose of Sharon for hot sunny spots, gardenias and hydrangeas for a shady location.

Check veggies, geraniums, petunias, and calibrachoa for caterpillars, treat with B.t. as needed.

Deadhead plants as needed for continual blooms, crape myrtles with bloom multiple times if cut back as first bloom fades.  Feed after deadheading.

Harvest veggies regularly to keep them productive, and feed them monthly.

Check for damage from deer and spray repellents as needed.

August –

Is your garden looking tiered out, see what still looks hot after the summer heat.

Check out our selection of cactus and succulents to create a water wise garden.

Prune fruit trees to control size if trees are done bearing fruit.  Clean up any dropped fruit to reduce the spread of brown rot.

Feed citrus again.

Check for damage from deer and spray repellents as needed.

September –

Fertilize landscape plants and fruit trees with a slow release organic fertilizer.

Prune fruit trees to control size if you didn’t prune them last month.

Get ready for fall planting, put in orders for anything on your wish list.  Next month is the best time to plant, especially for California natives.

Check irrigation and reduce volume as days begin to shorten.

Begin to plant cool season vegetable seeds and starts.

Check for damage from deer and spray repellents as needed.

October –

This is the best time of year to plant. Get your trees, shrubs, and perennials in the ground now so they can start to establish roots before the cold of winter comes.

Fertilize landscape plants and fruit trees if you did not fertilize last month.  Give acid loving plants an iron supplement if showing yellowing foliage.

Clean up warm season veggies as they finish producing.

Plant cool season veggie starts, and cool season annuals.

Put out pre-emergent to prevent cool season weeds.

November –

Still a great time to plant!

Broadcast California poppy and wildflower seeds along with the first substantial rains.

After fruit trees drop their leaves clean up leaf litter, and spray with a fungicide mixed with horticultural or neem oil.

Continue to clean up summer flowers and veggies.

Turn off irrigation system if you haven’t already.

Feed cool season flowers and veggies.

Begin to plant spring bulbs such as tulips, narcissus, crocus, and hyacinth.

Don’t forget to water patio plant and plants under eves.

December –

Clean and sharpen garden tools.  You will need your pruners ready to go in January.

Keep an eye on temperatures and protect tender plants as needed.